What is Personal Training?
Personal training is a professional service designed to improve your long term health and fitness through physical exercise and education. Training can be 1-on-1, or done with a partner or small group. Typical programs consist of exercise instruction, nutritional guidance, goal setting, progress assessments, and supervised workout time with your personal trainer.
Everyone from absolute beginner to professional athletes can benefit from this service. In fact, the better shape someone is in, the more likely they are to have a trainer. Ask any professional athlete, and they’ll likely tell you that they work with a trainer on a regular basis. Getting a trainer to get you started can help you use your time effectively, dispel false beliefs, overcome plateaus, and avoid injuries from improper technique or over training.
Be sure to ask your prospect trainer about their credentials, schooling, continuing education, and specialties. Also, you’ll be spending a lot of time with your trainer. It’s not the most important consideration when hiring a trainer, but if you don’t get along or have a personality clash, you may want to find someone else.