Ready to Get Started?

Please complete this form to claim a free in-person consultation with one of our certified personal trainers.

Your Training Roadmap

  • Meet your Trainer for a Free Consultation

    Step one is discussing your fitness goals with a trainer. We'll discuss your training history, challenges you've faced in the past, and discover the best plan of action to reach your goals.

  • Complete Baseline Testing and Assessments

    After your consultation, we'll have a good idea of what you're trying to acheive. The next step is assessing your overall health, movement quality, and fitness. Assessments help us dial in your program to best suit you.

  • Learn Basic Exercise Principles Hands-on

    Once we've got a baseline for your current level, we'll start building a foundation of fitness. You'll learn the basics in hands-on training sessions that will set you up for long term success.

  • Train Through Progressions and Advanced Skills

    With the basics under your belt, we can start ramping up the difficulty. We'll keep you right at the edge of your abilities so that you continue to see progress for as long as you train.

  • Enjoy the Benefits

    Once you've made training a habit, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor for years to come. As long as you continue to use what you've learned, the sky is the limit.

Meet Our Certified Personal Trainers


your guides to optimal health & fitness
  • Jeff Burmann, NSCA-CPT
    Jeff Burmann, NSCA-CPT Co-Founder / Personal Trainer
    • Pike Fitness Expert Trainer
    • NPTI Colorado Graduate 2010
    • NSCA Certified Personal Trainer since 2010
    • IKFF Certified Kettlebell Teacher Level 1
    • TRX Suspension Training Group Instructor
    • FAI Functional Aging Specialist Level 1
    • AHA Lifesaver – BLS, CPR, AED


  • Steve Burmann, NSCA-CPT Co-Founder / Personal Trainer
    • Pike Fitness Expert Trainer
    • NPTI Colorado Graduate 2010
    • NSCA Certified Personal Trainer
    • IKFF Certified Kettlebell Teacher Level 1
    • FMS Functional Movement Specialist Level 1
    • FAI Functional Aging Specialist Level 1
    • AHA Lifesaver – BLS, CPR, AED, and First Aid

Pike Fitness Trainer Levels

Apprentice: Has less than 6 months of experience as a certified personal trainer with NCCA accredited credentials. May be in initial 6 month probationary period. Is in process of becoming a Pike Fitness Professional personal trainer by completing mandatory in-house or other professional continuing education.

Professional: Has current NCCA accredited personal training credentials with NSCA, ACSM, NASM, or ACE. Is current with CPR and AED certification. Has completed required continuing education and has demonstrated understanding of skills and tools to keep our clients safe and training effective to earn title of Pike Fitness personal trainer.

Expert: Has accumulated over 10,000 hours of personal training with Pike Fitness as a professional trainer and has worked in the field for at least 10 years without a lapse of credentials or sustained break from the field. Has continually improved knowledge base with continuing education and gaining specialty certifications.

All Pike Fitness trainers are required to maintain NCCA accredited certifications, AED/First Aid/CPR, and complete regular continuing education for both maintaining their credentials and build brand specific knowledge with in-house education to ensure maximum proficiency and professionalism.