Circumference Body Composition Test
Calculator created by Jeff Burmann, NSCA-CPT. Questions? Email Jeff
This tool allows you to find your body fat%, lean mass, and fat mass with girth measurements! What makes this calculator so great is that it is easily usable by so many people in the general population.
There are several types of assessments to find a persons body composition. Typically you’d need a scale or handheld device offering bioelectrical impedance analysis, a personal trainer or friend who knows how to use skinfold calipers, or know a facility or mobile business that offers hydrostatic weighing, dual energy X-ray absorbtiometry (DEXA), or air displacement plethysmography (ADP). Most of these methods are more time consuming and much more expensive than using this method to find body composition.
You’ll Need:
The only thing you’ll need is a soft, easily bendable tape measure. We prefer Gulick Anthropometric Tape because you can read it’s resistance on the skin for the perfect tension while taking a measure.
How To:
Since the equation is different for men and women, different measures are needed for each.
- Men – Weight, Iliac, Hip and Abdomen
- Women – Abdomen, Hip, Height and Weight
Since practically everyone knows their height and weight, we’ll discus how to get the other measures here. Be careful not to pull too hard, or the tape will indent the skin too much and give an inaccurate reading.
- Weltman A., & Seip RL, 1988-1989
- ACE Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant Manual, 2nd Edition. 2008. American Council on Exercise.